[TowerTalk] W2GD tower accident

jim Jarvis jimjarvis at optonline.net
Wed Jun 18 18:33:36 EDT 2008

I just spoke with Nick,  GD's son, and with the nursing supervisor.

The old boy is resting.   Internal bleeding has been stopped.
Still have to deal with a broken pelvis and L12 fracture.  All  
work.   He's resting comfortably, in the ICU.

We'll know more in a day or so, but based on the advice of both nurses
and his son,  sending QSL cards would be the cheeriest thing you  
could do.
Calls are somewhat intrusive, just now.   He hasn't reached the point  
you can cheer him up by phone.

Maine  Medical Center
22 Bramhall Street
Portland, ME 04102


Jim Jarvis, President
Corporate Coach
The Morse Group, LLC
732 548 5573 office
908 410 9130 cell

Achieving Results in a Changing World
coach at themorsegroup.biz

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