[TowerTalk] Rohn 25 Insulated Base

K5RC tom at k5rc.cc
Sat Jun 28 13:04:53 EDT 2008

I am currently embroiled in a property-line dispute with a neighbor and I am
going to literally pick up and move the 110' tall 160M tower. I currently
have the older 5' Rohn 25 insulated base with the big-honkin ceramic
insulators. Apparently it is no longer made and was replaced by the 25RG
which is $1,700. Does anyone have a spare insulated base to sell or even
just one piece of the tower with the bolt plates?


Tom Taormina, K5RC

Virginia City NV

Home of W7RN and K7RC

http://k5rc.cc   FOC 1760

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