[TowerTalk] KLM Antennas

Tom Sneden tsneden at cox.net
Tue Mar 11 19:44:51 EDT 2008

I recently picked up some KLM antennas from a SK and could use a little


 1: I received an old (white button) KT34A that came with an original KLM
(not M2) KT34 Update Kit. The update kit had no manual. Does anyone have a
manual for the update kit available?


2: I received a 7.2-1 40 meter rotatable dipole and need a manual for it. I
would also appreciate any user comments or suggestions about this piece.


3: I received a KLM antenna that looks very much like a rotatable dipole but
the dimensions are unusual and there is an air wound coil  on the element.

At the end closest to the boom there is 92.25" then a fiberglass insert then
113.75" to the tip. The wire free form coil is approx 2" in diameter with 14
turns of wire that bridges the 2 elements across the fiberglass using hose
clamps for the wire to element connection. The trombone section is 84" long
and the elements of it are spaced 6" apart. Does anyone have an idea what
this might be? I could take pictures if it would help.


My plan is to restore these antennas. Is there an easy way to clean the
aluminum? (No I can't afford a new antenna OR to pay someone else to do it.
J )  Any and all suggestions will be appreciated!




Tom Sneden, K6VCR

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