[TowerTalk] Radial length

Alex Malyava alex.k2bb at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 12:34:21 EDT 2008

there is an article (in russian - http://dl2kq.de/ant/3-33.htm) on
DL2KQ website with MMANA/NEC2 computer analysis of vertical of various
length like 1/8, 1/4 and 5/8 with radials like 1/10, 1/4 and 1/2 above
different soil.
Depends on your soil and vertical height there is different number of
radials of different length you need to put.
If you have, for example, 1/8 vertical on medium or good soil you need
more then 16...32 radials of 1/4 to work better than the same number
of short 1/10 radials.


2008/3/14, Bill Turner <dezrat at copper.net>:
>  On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 16:20:13 -0700, "Tom Osborne" <w7why at verizon.net>
>  wrote:
>  >Is it true that my radials only need to be around 100 feet long instead of
>  >125 for full sized 160 meter radials or is that an old wives tale?   73
>  >Tom W7WHY
> ------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------
>  Well, yes and no.
>  If the radials are laid directly on the earth, length is much less
>  critical than if they were up in the air, as in a counterpoise. The
>  missing few feet in your case will be made up by the earth itself, but
>  having almost a full 1/4 wavelength of radials, you may not notice much
>  difference. I'd go ahead and try it.
>  73, Bill W6WRT
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