[TowerTalk] Feeding a Quad Antenna

Rob Frohne frohro at wallawalla.edu
Mon Mar 17 19:02:23 EDT 2008

Hi Garry,

I did it successfully on a four element five band quad (20-10 meters).
There were a lot of interactions though.  I had to tweak quite a while
to get everything to match.  I started from 10 meters and went to 20,
but there were several iterations.  I'm getting ready to put that quad
back up, and haven't decided if I will do that again or use separate
feedlines.  It sure was nice for quick band switching.


Rob, KL7NA
On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 14:31 -0400, Garry wrote:
> Has anyone had any experience feeding a Quad with a Tri-Gamma match 
> system using a single feedline? HyGain used it I think when they offered 
> a triband Quad.
> Thanks & 73,
> Garry - WR4R
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