[TowerTalk] Pole steps

John Ammeter jammeter at cablespeed.com
Tue Mar 18 13:25:53 EDT 2008


I retired from the power industry and we quit using those a long time 
ago.  When they're new it's safe to use them but, as age and corrosion 
sets in, they rust at the point where they screw into the pole/tree.  
It's impossible to verify the integrity of the steps unless you screw 
them out all the way.

If you only need 6 steps then a long ladder should work for you and be a 
lot safer, too.


Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604 wrote:
> Does anyone know where I can get half-a-dozen screw-in pole steps at a
> reasonable price?  I use a tree for some of my antenna supports, and
> climbing to the appropriate place is I had a few of those screw-in
> pole steps installed.
> Most attachments to trees are a problem because of growth, but these
> can be backed out a small amount every now and then to compensate.
> 73, doug
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