[TowerTalk] arboreal yagis

jim Jarvis jimjarvis at optonline.net
Sat Mar 22 08:22:38 EDT 2008

Hi Doug,

The best bet is NOT to mount the yagi directly to the tree.
Whatever you do will damage the tree.

Instead,  use light duty tower alongside the tree, and fasten them
together loosely, using chain which is inside tygon tubing.   Given  
the gnarly
shape of most trees, there will be perhaps 3 or 4 points at which the  
is adjacent to the tree.   When you fasten the chain,  you want some  
wiggle room,
both to prevent girdling the tree, and to allow the tree to move  
without moving
the yagi (as much).

You can more safely climb this tower than you can the tree, and you  
can more
safely install and maintain the yagi.  This also has the benefit of  
being somewhat
more aesthetic than a naked tower.

I've also done this with a vertical and a pushup pole, although it  
required tree
cliimbing, which I stopped doing some years ago.


Jim Jarvis, MBA
President-Executive Coach
The Morse Group, LLC
732 548 5573 office
908 410 9130 cell

Achieving Results in a Changing World

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