[TowerTalk] Shireen Inc RFC400 Coax

Roger (K8RI) K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Fri Mar 28 00:55:26 EDT 2008

Chris Allingham wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience with or know anything about Shireen 
> Inc RFC400 coax? According to the specs, it's supposed to be 
> equivalent to LMR-400.
I know nothing of the company but it appears the coax line is new to 
them.  That they may have been selling great network and microwave 
equipment does not mean the coax will be the same, although it'd be to 
their advantage.

My guess and I emphasize that word "guess" is they have one of the off 
shore companies making the coax to spec. Several companies do this 
including Andrew and I find their CNT line to be good cables "so far".   
They MAY and again I emphasize the word "may" be using one of the 
companies that constructs cables for companies we use every day.  I 
didn't find any prices listed for the various sizes.

The only thing, I would not personally consider CNT240 and LMR240 to be 
of the RG8X class cables.  Although basically the same size the 240 
series is much more rigid than the 8X including the 8X with double 
shield (RG8XIIA) even though the same connectors do work for the 8X 
series and the 240 series.  IIRC the breakdown voltage is some what 
higher for the 240 cables than the 8X (*DEPENDING*) on whose data you 
read.  The RG8X series is very flexible too.  OTOH the loss in any of 
these is not bad on 75 and 40 and the cables have all been known to 
handle the legal limit PEP with SWRs approaching 3:1. However I'd 
caution none of these cables are rated that high even at 75 or 40 
meters.  I consistently run a KW pep through CNT-240 to my 40 meter, 
center fed, half wave slopers.  I worked the Solomon Islands (H44) on 40 
SSB with the first call last night.  I will also admit I was setting 
there with the rig on while working on the computer in the shop when I 
head him call CQ so I was probably the first to call him as I didn't 
even have to do anything other than pick up the mike and call.  I doubt 
I'd have made it through the pile-up that developed.

I_would_expect_ cables of the same numbers and ratings to perform 
similarly BUT some imported cables have *reportedly* had inconsistencies 
in the dielectric and jacket mix. 

For the small difference in cost I do use the LMR 240, 400, 400 UF, 600 
and 600UF series cables. I also use the CNT-240, RG8XIIA, and Davis Bury 

Possibly some one on here is familiar with the specific cables being 
sold by Shireen Inc.


Roger (K8RI)
> Specs for RFC400 can be found here:
> <http://www.shireeninc.com/products/cables/rf-coax-cables/>http://www.shireeninc.com/products/cables/rf-coax-cables/ 
> http://www.shireeninc.com/wp-content/uploads/shireen-RF-cables-specs.pdf
> Specs for LMR-400 can be found here:
> <http://www.timesmicrowave.com/wireless/>http://www.timesmicrowave.com/wireless/ 
> http://www.timesmicrowave.com/content/pdf/lmr/22-25.pdf
> Any information, good or bad, is appreciated.
> 73,
> Chris VE3FU / VO2AC
> ve3fu at rac.ca 
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