[TowerTalk] Fw: WTB: GAP VOYAGER and a Zero Five

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Sat May 10 10:58:23 EDT 2008

I have a similar vertical that I built that works pretty well on top band at 
P40A.  Mine 54' feet of freestanding aluminum and I top load it with a wire 
going back toward the ground in an inverted "L" configuration.  I use a hair 
pin coil at the base to bring the impedance to 50 ohms.

John KK9A

To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] WTB: GAP VOYAGER and a Zero Five
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 23:10:48 +0000

That takes care of my idea to put one up for 160 !!

You guys just saved me a bucket of money, guess I'll use it to fill the
tank instead.

73, Dick, W1KSZ

To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] WTB: GAP VOYAGER and a Zero Five
From: K4SAV <
Date: Fri, 09 May 2008 17:57:17 -0500

Here is an EZNEC simulation of the gain of a Zero Five using 32, 100 ft
radials, average ground, and 100 ft of RG213, also including a 4 to 1
balun at the feedpoint as recommended by Zero Five and assuming no balun
loss.  The gain numbers are all at 15 degrees elevation, regardless of
what the take-off angle is.  The last number is the amount of power
dissipated in the coax assuming an input of 1500 watts.

1.8 MHz   -17.5 dBi,  1292 watts
3.5 MHz    -8.1 dBi,    598 watts
7 MHz       -3 dBi,    226 watts
10.1 MHz  -1.7 dBi,   532 watts
14 MHz     -3.3 dBi,   585 watts
18.1 MHz  -4.3 dBi,   306 watts
21 MHz     -3.1 dBi,   448 watts
24.9 MHz  -6.9 dBi,   674 watts
28 MHz     -12.2 dBi,  362 watts

Here are the gain numbers for the same set-up except no 4 to 1 balun:
1.8 MHz   -22.2 dBi
3.5 MHz    -10 dBi
7 MHz       -3.6 dBi
10.1 MHz  -4.8 dBi
14 MHz     -5.5 dBI
18.1 MHz  -5.2 dBi
21 MHz     -5.6 dBi
24.9 MHz  -9.6 dBi
28 MHz     -12.4 dBi

This is really comparing apples and oranges, but just for reference,
here is the gain of a half wave dipole (one on each band) at 43 feet
using 100 ft of RG213.  The gain is at 15 degrees elevation regardless
of what the take-off angle is, and the gain is broadside to the dipole.

1.8 MHz   -5.9 dBi
3.5 MHz    -3.2 dBi
7 MHz       0.15 dBi
10.1 MHz   3.3 dBi
14 MHz     5.9 dBI
18.1 MHz   6 dBi
21 MHz      6.3 dBi
24.9 MHz   6.6 dBi
28 MHz      5.6 dBi

Jerry, K4SAV 

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