[TowerTalk] excavator

Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL grimm at sbc.edu
Mon May 12 23:30:38 EDT 2008

David Gilbert wrote:
> Its from Onion wrote:
>> For the life of me cannot see why ham folks love square holes, much easer to dig round
>> ones.  
> What makes you think it is discretionary for the average ham?
> 1.  Backhoes generally dig square holes.  An auger large enough to dig a 
> large hole is going to be much larger and more expensive than a backhoe.
I had a backhoe dig the hole for my new tower.  It wasn't round and it 
sure wasn't square.  More like womperjawed, I would say.
> 2.  Rebar cages are easier to build square.  Admittedly a minor point, 
> but one I'm sure that influences typical engineering practice.
It didn't keep Heights Towers from building round ones.  All you need is 
a rebar bender and a form/jig to hold the pieces while you weld or tie 
> 3.  Engineering drawings from the tower manufacturer almost always call 
> out square holes.  A building inspector would very likely disapprove a 
> deviation from square to round.  Yes, you can hire an engineer to 
> generate new drawings for a round hole, but ...
> 73,
> Dave   AB7E
I'm glad you said "almost always."  See 
http://www.heightstowers.com/bases.htm for the exception that may (or 
may not) prove the rule. 

Since Virginia's legislature passed our ham tower law, local building 
inspectors don't even require a permit for a tower, let alone care 
whether you are digging round or square holes for the base.  When I see 
all the grief that other folks have in getting permits, variances, etc., 
it makes this old transplanted Texan happy to live in 
Virginia....something I never thought I would say.  Just so you folks 
don't get the idea that this is a laissez faire, libertarian state, I 
would remind you that it is illegal to use a radar detector in your 
vehicle in Virginia. :-)



Ken K4XL
k4xl at arrl.net

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