[TowerTalk] Looking for Rotor Indicator Meter

Marc Tessier - VE3TES ve3tes at cogeco.ca
Thu May 29 00:33:06 EDT 2008

As the topic states, I am looking for a used or new Rotor Indicator Meter, By this I mean the meter that shows the operator of the rotor which direction the antenna is pointed. Meter can be from either a Ham Series of controller or an Alliance Control box. Just as long as it functions is my main concern...

I will be mounting this into a home Brewed control box for my 2m SSB Yagi, and would like to have some level of professionalism looks to it... HiHi 

Feel free to drop me a note to the email listed in this post. I will get back to all replies within 12 hours, most times within 2 hours...


Marc Tessier - VE3TES
ve3tes at cogeco.ca

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