[TowerTalk] Guying self-supporters

Cqtestk4xs at aol.com Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Mon Nov 3 17:50:15 EST 2008

In a message dated 11/3/2008 10:27:46 PM Greenwich Standard Time,  
mspencer12345 at yahoo.ca writes:

I'd be  interested in seeing this as well.    

Mark  VE7AFZ

OK...Here's one.  In the 70s the Universal Towers came with guying  
informations, but were made to be self-supporting.  If you ever  climbed one of the old 
Universal towers that had only a 14 or 11 inch  top,  guying would not seem 
..............and I'm not 100% sure on this one, I think the same was  true 
of the old Heights towers (70s style), not the new breed.  
The guying would really have been a challenge since using PLP grips would  
have been out of the question.  You had to wrap the guy wire through both  of 
the cross braces where they met at the tower leg.  That was a  considerable 
distance, especially on the 26 inch face.
Maybe someone has the pics from the old Universal pamphlet.  I  threw mine 
out a long time ago when I sold those 70s pieces of   junk.
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