[TowerTalk] TH6 into a TH7?
Eric - VE3GSI
ve3gsi at sympatico.ca
Thu Nov 13 10:58:29 EST 2008
When I asked my local dealer a number of years back he said the upgrade kit
is no longer available. So perhaps the Hy-Gain people are giving you prices
for replacement bits and pieces that understandably would cost more than the
original kit.
At my station, I have both the TH6 (56 Ft) and TH7 (72 Ft) and personally on
the s-meter and I see little difference between the two most of the time.
Both antennas are well designed, the TH6 being up over 20 years needs a
couple of 10 meter parasitic tips replaced.
My vote would be stay with what you have and put the money into low loss
cable or other toys for the shack. Or if you wife is anything like mine she
will find use for the leftover cash.
73 Eric - Ve3gsi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill
> Subject: [TowerTalk] TH6 into a TH7?
> I have a not assembled TH6 antenna. I also have a copy of the TH6 that
> was
> disassembled after years in use. I've been looking at assembling the
> new
> TH6 when I read the assembly manual for the TH7.
> My question: Would it be possible to use my current parts and make a
> TH7?
> For example, would the traps be the same?
> I asked Hy-Gain and they thought this was going to cost $500. I'm
> skeptical. Or wondering.
> Bill, AB8SC
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