[TowerTalk] Compact Fluorescent Bulbs

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 16 17:48:32 EST 2008

If you do a boolean Google search using CFL     +RFI  you will get a wealth of information 
about the bulbs and RFI issues and discussions..

Also Wikipedia has substantial info on the many variants of the bulbs:


All the best,   Pat Barthelow   aa6eg at k6bj.org 
Jamesburg Moon Bounce Team


"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, 

the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 

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> From: coulter at bellsouth.net
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2008 17:01:20 -0500
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
> I am looking to replace some of my regular incandescent bulbs in my
> house with compact fluorescent bulbs. I have read on this reflector
> before of compact fluorescent bulbs that do not cause RFI and I would
> like to ask those who are using these CFLs if they would contact me off
> the list and let me know what brand and where they bought them at if you
> remember. I would really like to be able to find them locally at Walmart
> or similar stores if at all possible. I did find a reference to Phillips
> Marathon CFLs which were bought at Costco while doing a search of the
> archives but no other brands. 
> Thank you for your help in advance.
>                                                   73's
>                                                  Todd
>                                                 N4JRZ

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