[TowerTalk] 43ft Vertical Feeding Question and Balun type

Dan Zimmerman N3OX n3ox at n3ox.net
Fri Nov 21 10:27:12 EST 2008

>  Array Solutions AS-200-T balun at base.

That is, I believe, the balun that caused so much of a problem  for the ham
who posted on eHam.  He's recently posted that rewiring it as a UNUN made
80m and 40m come thoroughly alive.  Takes a couple minutes to do.

>     First Place, Europe, Low Power ARRL DX CW 2008
>      (in truth, mostly due to location - 15 meters
>       never opened for Europe, so all QSOs were 20
>       or lower, and Ireland is closer to USA and Canada!)

 I don't particularly like to accept contest results in lieu of field
strength measurements, but if anything, this shows installation dependence
at the extreme.  I'm pretty sure the other ham in question had inadvertently
built *the worst possible common mode circuit* on 40m with his coax and
ground system ;-)

You might want to check what happens when you reconfigure your balun
though... you never know.


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