[TowerTalk] Icom 775 Issue

John Santillo u1004467 at warwick.net
Sun Nov 23 23:25:06 EST 2008

Gentlemen I'm not sure if this is the right forum but maybe someone has some ideas.

I have a Icom IC-775DSP.  Over the Sweep Stakes weekend it blew up an hour into the contest.  The cause of the failure was the same as the failure I had last summer; one of the output power transistors blew when I change bands and hit the tune button.  

It appears when going from one band to another then hitting the tune button the tuner is in a state causing excessive current to flow to the power FET's causing failure.  

I've heard of tuning for maximum smoke but two failures like this getting expensive.

If anyone knows of a mod to prevent this from happening again I'd appreciate it.  



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