[TowerTalk] Was "43ft Vertical Feeding

jimlux jimlux at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 25 09:53:24 EST 2008

WA3GIN wrote:
> Why not just purchase two 5 or 8 port automatic antenna relays.  Stick your 
> LC network for each band in-between the ports.  One coax input, five outputs 
> to LC networks, five outputs from LC networks to one output to bast of 
> antenna. It all fits in an outdoor inclosure (surface mounted or use the 
> bury type often used for sprinkler cut-off valves).
> 73,
> dave
> wa3gin
> -
Sure.. one would want to check the voltage ratings on the relays. 
Several kV wouldn't be unexpected in this sort of application.

You're still building LC networks though.

I think there's a whole range of approaches from total homebrew 
(although I don't think anyone's building relays from scratch<grin>.. 
you could have a home made knife switches operated by long strings from 
the shack, I suppose)

to leveraging some readily available subassemblies (multiport antenna 
switches) and building the networks yourself.  If you used a pair of 
$120 RCS-8V's for instance, you could pull them out of the case, mount 
them facing each other, and just solder the filters between the PC 
boards on the back side of where the SO-239 attach.

to a completed box (apparently available for around $1-2K, depending on 

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