[TowerTalk] Radials Layed On/Under Uneven Grade

Larry & Karen k0is at iowatelecom.net
Wed Oct 8 20:00:38 EDT 2008

I'm considering a Butternut HF2V with the additional 30 meter coil. My question concerns where I would have to mount it. The antenna will be ground mounted with a system of 30 thirty foot radials minimum. Problem is, this area is on a hillside with about a 15-20 degree slope. I'm not concerned with  the radials below the antenna on the slope, but what about those "above," situated so as to be running uphill, closing the angle between the radiator and the radials somewhat. Not having any type of software to model this on, I'm curious whether this will be all that detrimental to the antenna's efficiency, angle of radiation, etcl. I understand that the radials running "down" from the antenna are actually somewhat of a plus (albeit mostly negligible), lowering the radiation angle slightly and raising the impedance some. Will the effects cancel each other, making the antenna "see" flat ground around it?

Larry  K0IS

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