[TowerTalk] ROHN 25G

AD5VJ Bob rtnmi at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 15 19:32:36 EDT 2008

It has been a long time coming, but I finally have my tower up - concrete, rotor and all. I had some trouble with the rotor but that
is all taken care of now and is working perfectly and is mounted to the tower crying out for the mast Hi Hi. (maybe thats me I hear

The assembly is only awaiting the final installation of the:
 guy wires, mast and antenna and it is complete.

The delay on the guy wires:

 I have a torque bracket, all the turn buckles, eyes and clamps, ect - but no way to dig into the rocky ground out here in order to
place the T bar to tie the guys to. My neighbor put in fence posts for a cyclone fence he installed about a month ago and it took
him almost three hours for each pole to dig the holes using a screw like attachment (auger??) on his tractor.

The delay on the three element tribander antenna (Hornet TB-500) is:
no J-Pole or knowledge on how to hook up to it when I do get one.
where do you attach the rope from the JPole to the antenna so after mounting it inside the tower you can get the rope back.

I have been staring at the tower trying to figure out if I had a J-Pole - how I am going to climb 30 feet in the air, hang onto the
side of the tower with my climbing belt,  and balance myself at the tip top of the tower to grab and stab the mast using both hands
into the hole at the top and thru the hole, even if I did have a J pole to get it up there with.

I think I could make a long enough pole to attach to the side of the tower to make a jury rig J-Pole using an eye hook and a small
pulley I have on hand.

Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated.

   73 fer nw es gud DX,

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