[TowerTalk] The Future of Towers & Antennas?

n8de at thepoint.net n8de at thepoint.net
Fri Oct 17 15:30:01 EDT 2008

I just love 'advertising lingo'.

10 times lighter.

ONE time lighter means it weighs NOTHING.

I'll see if I can think how it can be -9 g.


Quoting Terry <terry at kk6t.com>:

> "Buckypaper is 10 times lighter but potentially 500 times stronger than
> steel when sheets of it are stacked and pressed together to form a
> composite. Unlike conventional composite materials, though, it conducts
> electricity like copper or silicon and disperses heat like steel or brass."
> http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/081017/tec_buckypaper.html?.v=2
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