[TowerTalk] Another Thank You Note

Bill w7vp at comcast.net
Tue Oct 21 22:25:12 EDT 2008

My warmnest thanks to those who sent me information on the Create RC5-3 rotator controller especially those who emailed the instruction manual and the contact infomration for Create in Japan.  As suggested the problem was in the PNP/NPN transistors in the servo circuit and once those were replaced the unit worked properly.  As a matter of interest the differential servo circuit works off of a +12v and a - 12 v rail which is supplied by a power supply that uses the indicator lamps as the bleeder resistors.  One of mine was burned out and I could not find the miniature screw-type 12 volt, 0.1 amp  lamps in the parts list so I replaced themn with wheat seed lamps and shunt resistors to match the bleed current.

Create in Japan was very responsive to my requests and provided detailed information - more than needed as it turned out.  Still the customer service of Create deserves commendation.


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