[TowerTalk] Rohn foldover towers

Larry WA9VRH wa9vrh at dishmail.net
Mon Oct 27 17:51:50 EDT 2008

Hi Michael,

Rohn is now their own company again. Radian bought them a few years ago but 
they divested Rohn a few months ago.

Here is Rohn's website http://www.rohnproducts.com/frontpage.htm

If you don't have any luck please let me know and maybe I can help.

No connection to Rohn except I live in the Peoria Il area where Rohn was 
started.  Were glad to have them back!

73 Larry WA9VRH

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Goins" <wmgoins at gmail.com>
To: <TowerTalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 1:15 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Rohn foldover towers

> Thanks to a very nice member of this list, I recently obtained the pdf 
> file
> for the Rohn 25 and 45 foldover tower.
> Does anyone know if there is still a manufacturer out there that makes 
> some
> of the parts? The foldover bracket and long brace, for example. I'm 
> looking
> for a tower arrangement here that doesn't cost a fortune but will still
> allow an old guy to do some antenna experimenting from time to time.
> -- 
> Michael Goins
> Professor, Writing
> University of Texas at San Antonio
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