[TowerTalk] gin pole

Roger (K8RI) K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Mon Oct 27 19:15:48 EDT 2008

Gregg Seidl wrote:
> I can also 2nd the crane idea. I put up an 85 foot Rohn 45 with a XM-240 on 
> it this summer/fall. I can tell you without a doubt that is the 
> fastest/easiest and most importantly SAFEST way to erect towers. I know it 
> costs 300-500 bux more but compared to the cost of the tower and time 
> invested it is a relative bargin. I know I will never install another tower 
> without a crane.  www.k9kl.com      Gregg K9KL 

That's fine if you can get a crane into the yard without destroying 
something important.
I'd love to use a crane as it'd cut the whole works down to less than a 
day with only two climbs.  Basically it'd take about an hour for the 
first climb and removing the antennas, another hour for the antenna 
work, and a third for the second climb and putting the whole works back 
in place.  Unfortunately a crane with the extension (the top antennas 
are at 130 feet) would have to reach between 140-150 feet. It 'd have to 
set in or straddle the drive way and work over the house, but no place 
to attach the extension.  So a crane large enough to take that extension 
would be over twice the price per hour and would require repaving the 
driveway.  Besides I don't think they could get one down the road and 
make the tight turn into our drive. I know a class A motor home, or 
large horse trailer can't make it.


Roger (K8RI)
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