[TowerTalk] 80m vertical

Doug Turnbull turnbull at net1.ie
Tue Sep 16 10:30:06 EDT 2008

     If one already has a grounded tower at 75 feet height and wishes to
construct an 80 meter vertical is there a problem with standing off the
tower at say two feet a vertical wire from the appropriate height and using
this against a proper radial system.   I suppose this would not be too
different from an inverted L except one does not require the horizontal
section.   Does the tower unduly affect the performance of the wire
vertical?   In my case this tower will only have wire antennas connected to
it for the foreseeable future.

      Will an inverted L for 160 M and a wire 80 Meter vertical supported
from the same tower interact excessively with each other?  I would not think
so as I can think back to the 20M stub on my Hy-Gain 14AVS vertical used
forty-eight years ago.

       I envisage radial systems of appropriate length for each antenna.
Is there any disadvantage in joining the two radial systems?   I plan on two
separate feed lines.

     Plans are to touch 95 feet with a twenty foot extension extending out
the top of a 75 foot crank up.   I suspect some Phyllistran stays may be
required though this is a fairly heavy duty tower.

                 73 Doug EI2CN

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