[TowerTalk] Log Periodic Choice

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Tue Sep 16 11:16:55 EDT 2008

In a message dated 9/14/2008 10:46:21 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
mathenyr at marietta.edu writes:

>  NO disrespect intended, but I frankly don't put a lot of  stock in one set
of antenna "measurement" over another set.  Indeed  one might be able to
make comparisions between several antennas and find a  dud that is 10 db 
below the rest, but to resolve 2-3 db over a dipole with  accuracy just 
won't happen to my satisfaction.  There are too many  things that can 
change and and go wrong in the worst  way.

Obviously you haven't read  our antenna comparison reports. Our protocol is a 
pretty reasonable  solution to standardize on-the-air antenna measurements by 
comparing the  antennas under test to a dipole and was arrived at after 
discussions with very  knowledgeable antenna gurus (e.g. W4RNL, W8JI, etc.).
        We undertook all of the  work for our tests because there was no 
standardization and published  manufacturer performance figures couldn't be 
        While not perfect, they are  the only antenna comparison tests (yagis 
and verticals) that offer credible data  and analysis.
Steve    K7LXC

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