[TowerTalk] antenna pattern control w/ absorbent material?

jimlux jimlux at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 26 11:15:45 EDT 2008

Terry Settergren wrote:
> Hi, I can't find many references to this- could an HF antenna, say a
> vertical, use a shroud of rf-absorbent material to achieve receive
> (and transmit?) directionality?  What materials, and how close to the
> element could they be? I have seen tubular rf absorbent materials
> that appear to be intended to cover a cable, and I keep imagining a
> rotatable vertical surrounded by a "slotted radome" (pipe), filled
> with rf absorbent material, with a vertical directional slot exposed.
> Durable, stealthy, receive directionality, maybe? But I'm ignorant of
> the effects of the absorbent material near an antenna element.
> Regards, KE5FGX

Unfortunately not (unless the tube is really, really big, as in many 

As to exactly why this doesn't work... I'm sort of struggling for a 
simple example/explanation, but it has to do with the fact that the 
energy stored in the fields around the antenna is as important in 
determining the radiation pattern as the actual antenna.

The other problem is that Babinet's principle says that a slot in a 
infinite conductive plane is the same as a conductive thing the same 
shape, in an infinite insulator. Ultimately, the slot is a good an 
antenna as a wire (why shielding boxes is tough.. the gap between cover 
and box is a slot).  In fact, slot radiators are widely used in microwaves.

It's true that if your absorber were carefully made of "space cloth" 
(something that has characteristic impedance of 377 ohms/square, but is 
lossy), you wouldn't have the slot problem, but you'd then have the 
problem that the radiation escaping from the slot is the same as having 
an antenna the same physical size as the slot (Huygen's principle), so 
it wouldn't necessarily be any more directive than the antenna inside.

But you've raised an obvious and interesting question to which I can't 
think of a simple answer.  I'll have to send it to some of the undergrad 
EM professors I know and let them churn on it.
Jim, W6RMK

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