[TowerTalk] Help w/ Hy-Gain TH-6

Roger (K8RI) K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Mon Apr 6 01:22:09 PDT 2009

Mark, K5ER wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> 	I'm rebuilding a Hy-gain TH-6DXX. Notwithstanding the fact that I have
> three somewhat different manuals, I am almost done with the assembly. When
> replacing the feed / matching section, I see that the wires from the BN-86
> balun to the driven element (not supplied) are to be 7 inches of #12 wire.
> I already have these cut and ready.
Even since the "buy out" I've had no problems calling Hy-gain's support 
number and asking for help This comes with no guarantee, but those may 
be available for a nominal price, or more likely they will be willing to 
give you the dimensions.  You won't know unless you try.  They were very 
helpful with my AV640 that had "bugs in the antenna"  

Good Luck,

Roger (K8RI)
> 	There are also wires from the driven element(s) to the beta tubes. These
> were missing from the antenna, and the book does not give a length. They
> are simply listed as item #86, Hy-Gain part # 878561 pigtail leads. I'm
> guessing that since this is part of the hairpin matching, the length is
> somewhat critical. The book shows they have solder lugs on the ends, and I
> assume they are #12 wire as well. Can anyone help me out with how long
> these pigtails should be?
> Thanks & 73
> Mark, K5ER
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