[TowerTalk] That's NOT my WEBSITE

NE6V NE6V at roadrunner.com
Thu Apr 9 15:27:19 PDT 2009

    When we assume guys... come on...
That website I referenced earlier is not mine, that's the website of the manf. I supplied that so you guys can get some background info. So all of you guys that have ASSUMED that is my site you are wrong!! I feel an apology is due also....thank you....
Regarding modeling, they hired a "well known ham" from Northern Cal to do all the modeling and he did and it took quite a while, since they did improvements/ changes to the product, that is what I'm told.. I will have those data sheets very soon. I will post those on MY SITE which is being built which is ne6v.com, BUT IT IS NOT UP YET. It will be with in the next week.
    I have assembled and I do currently use one and it performs as I would expect. I don't use the Horiz. at all since I don't operate 2 mtr ssb. I believe I read someone writing something about, circular polarization!  What in the world, that again is ASSUMING that the antenna xmts both vert/horz at the same time.... now come on guys...WRONG .... you use 2 feedlines.....one is....vert the other is....horz...to your antenna switch box, now you have 2 antennas for the price of 1.....But really, circular... come guys stop assuming........ lets ask questions prior to jumping to conclusions....

be nice gentlemen.
ARRL Los Angeles Section Affiliated Club Coordinator
ARRL SW Division Cong.Dist.29 LAA
ARRL Life Member

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