[TowerTalk] Cage dipole revisited.
Bill Aycock
baycock at centurytel.net
Sun Apr 12 09:32:38 PDT 2009
Rick- I"m sorry I sounded so strident, but this subject has progressively
wandered astray. The subject started about a particular cage being hyped as
having 5db gain over a reference Dipole AS TESTED. A cage is not the
question; HIS cage is. (To me).
I agree that your results are interesting (I hope to apply the idea) but
people are introducing dBi, dBd , analysis (undefined) and the classic
"Ordinary NEC wont work with my special invention", which is the point of
his claim.
I may try to model it myself (next week) because I would still like to see
for myself. His product (without hype) looks like a fair buy.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick Stealey" <rstealey at hotmail.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cage dipole revisited.
>> Why introduce this into this thread? The models you mention do not
>> resemble
>> the Cage dipole, so why?
> Hi Bill,
> I don't agree. In fact I believe the models I built DO STRONGLY resemble
> a cage,
> give the same benefit, without the physical difficulties of building a
> traditional cage.
> What is a traditional cage but several parallel wires, fed at the same
> point?
> They may be connected together at the far end, but that's not really
> necessary
> since the voltage there is the same for each element of the cage, so the
> individual wires can be separated with no effect on the antenna.
> An antenna experimenter may start with a single wire dipole, then add one
> wire
> in parallel with it, then additional ones to build a cage. Or (as I
> discovered) take
> the second wire and drop it down at a 10 degree angle and get nearly the
> same
> result. My 2nd model was three wires separated 1 meter apart, but I
> confess were not joined at the far end. However I believe that is a very
> strong resemblance to a traditional cage.
> Maybe I should put in my post with a different subject so those who are
> interested in discussing pure, 100 % tradional cage antennas, wouldn't be
> tainted by considering alternatives.
> But for those who would like to have
> - an antenna that covers 3500 to 3800 with a 2:1 SWR,
> - with extremely low cost and
> - less than an hours work, and
> - always wanted to have a cage,
> Then here it is.
> By the way, I happen to be one of those guys, like you, who hate to
> see off topic posts. In this case however, I believe my post was right
> on-topic. However I am going to do as I mentioned above and start a
> new thread, and invite anyone who wants to comment on or contribute to
> cage antenna alternatives to participate there.
> Rick K2XT
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