[TowerTalk] plastic forms (!) for cage dipoles

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Fri Apr 17 13:52:59 PDT 2009


 >Also, the webpage didn't say what diameter they were either. 
Someone said 3" or
4". I was expecting something larger like 6" to 12". That's what you usually
see when fabricated from X braces.

         Yes it did:


Outside  diameter  3  7/16"
Inside  diameter  2  7/16"
Holes  are  1/4"
Total  of  12  holes

         I've been looking for something like this to make the gamma
wire for my 160m vertical fatter.  These are perfect and cheap.  Looks
like you could even get by with 3 wires instead of 4 since the 12 holes
allow lots of options for configuration.

                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV

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