[TowerTalk] AB-577 Surface Guy Anchors?

Roger (K8RI) K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Sun Apr 26 13:26:45 PDT 2009

k4tmc at aol.com wrote:
> Robert,
> You did not indicate what will be at the top of the 75 ft AB577 mast.  
> That will also have some bearing on how strong your guy point should be.
It would have a lot of bearing on the guy points.
> Since you are on a parking lot type area, I assume that you can park 
> vehicles on the surface.  If so, then make a frame assembly that can be 
> held down by the weight of a car/truck by driving a wheel on top of the 
> assembly.  Or, if you have vehicles with towing capabilities, then use 
> the tow hitch assembly to attach guy lines.  If they can handle a 
> 3000lb boat, then they will handle the 577 mast easily.
Actually the tires of a car/truck/SUV would give much more gripping 
power than the metal "boats" mentioned.
In Robert's group there must be several who own pickup trucks and/or 
SUVs. Most, or many have a 3 point hitch on the back. Any of them 
configured for towing would have a hitch that could be used, rather than 
looking for a winch.  However they would need to tie around the mount 
and not the ball as a rope or cable can easily slip off the ball.


Roger (K8RI)
> Oh, be sure to have the vehicle owners sign waivers relative to any 
> damage caused by a falling mast.
> 73,
> Henry - K4TMC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert West <robert.west at eatmoresoap.com>
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Sent: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 1:23 pm
> Subject: [TowerTalk] AB-577 Surface Guy Anchors?
> Hello all.  I have acquired one of the AB-577 mast kits with the 
> extension
> to 75'.   I am needing to erect this on a parking lot type area, 
> asphalt.
> We are not permitted to penetrate the asphalt so we need to fabricate a
> method to anchor the guys on the surface, such as with weights.  I've 
> seen a
> method that is used for a non-penetrating mount for large dish antennas 
> on
> roofs that consist of steel angle iron welded in a frame and filled with
> concrete cinder blocks bolted together with threaded rod so that they 
> don't
> move.  Works well in that usage but how about something similar for a 
> guy
> anchor?  This is a temporary thing so it would need to be easily 
> removed.
> But my real question is, besides any other ideas, how heavy would I 
> need to
> make these 3 weights?  The height is 75' and is rated for 75mph wind.  
> Would
> feel safer if the guy anchors could give us 100mph just to be on the 
> safe
> side.    Maybe a layer or 2 of block and then sandbags?
> Any ideas?
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