[TowerTalk] Fwd: Wood constructed tower

Roger (K8RI) K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Thu Apr 30 21:18:11 PDT 2009

hanslg at aol.com wrote:
> Remember something about it from ARRL handbook a couple (or so) years ago. Was made of three planks (2x8 should probably do). Two of them were clamped around the third. It looked like an "A" with a spire on the top. Don't know if it would make 40' though. Always a start. Shall look for it and come back (unless somebody else finds it before me, which is very possible)
I built something similar some 48 years ago.  It literally exploded in a 
30 to 40 MPH wind.  The largest piece left was about 3' long. <:-)) The 
wood is elastic and the wind was just right to create a resonance. Of 
course the elasticity of wood varies widely with moisture content and 


Roger (K8RI)

> 73 de N2JFS Hans
> -----Original Message-----
> From: k2vi <k2vi at cox.net>
> To: TowerTalk at contesting.com
> Sent: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 4:38 pm
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Wood constructed tower
> Would there be a way to construct a 40' wood tower, The base being 10'x10'square 
> and the top at 5'x5' square. Probably 4x4 posts bolted together. A ladder made 
> to climb up to the top. Sort of like a WW2 lookout tower. All pressure treated. 
> I would love this because I can then bolt a 5' roof tower on top and maintain 
> the antenna, feedline and rotor whenever I want with no help. As I get older i 
> would still be able to maintain the antenna and not have to rely on others. Has 
> anyone had if inducted this idea. Would be interested to know.
> tony k2vi
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