[TowerTalk] Resonance is over rated

jimlux jimlux at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 8 08:05:41 PDT 2009

Clay W7CE wrote:
> It sounds like we could debate the definition of resonance for days without 
> reaching a consensus.  So let's get back to the original topic: is resonance 
> an important attribute of a good antenna?

Is resonance (in the single second order resonator sense) actually a 
fundamental property of ANY antenna. No. It is not.  The change in 
feedpoint impedance IS a property of most antennas, some more, some 
less, but the "single RLC" model is only a model of the feedpoint 
impedance over a small range, useful for designing matching networks, 
but not really having much to do with the antenna's properties as a 
radiator. (consider a equiangular spiral or a discone or a helix or a 
LPDA.. all provide a "good match" over a wide band, have good 
efficiency, and don't really have any "resonance" to speak of)

A simple dipole actually has many "resonances" defined as places where 
the reactive component of the feed point impedance is zero.  ALready, 
you're deviating from the "L C tuned circuit" model.

Then, there's the whole "Q" of the antenna thing. Q, for antennas, has 
nothing to do with "resonance" in the sense of spring and weight or LC 
resonator (i.e. a second order system). It's the ratio of the energy 
stored in the antenna and it's surrounding fields to the energy radiated 

There's a fundamental relationship between the antenna's physical size 
and the amount of stored energy and the directivity of the antenna. 
That is, small antennas tend to have high stored energy (high Q), but 
that is NOT the same as saying they have narrow bandwidth. (for SOME 
antennas, this is true, but not all).

A resonant LC tank has a ratio between stored energy circulating between 
L and C and that which is passing through, also defined as Q (in the 
same way). And for that LC tank, it happens that the resonant frequency 
divided by the 3dB bandwidth is equal to the Q. But that's just because 
it's a second order system.

The fact that a dipole antenna is fairly well modeled by a simple single 
R, L, C near the frequency where it's a half wavelength long does lead 
to a lot of confusion.

However, one could have a simple wire antenna, with a very complex LC 
matching network that presents a nice 50 ohms resistive impedance over a 
decade bandwidth (the whole HF band), and it could be just as good a 
radiator as any other of the same physical size. What autotuners (at the 
feedpoint) do is basically create that "complex network", except by only 
doing a small piece of it at a time. If you needed wide *instantaneous* 
bandwidth, you'd need more sophistication.

There's a fair number of clever LC network designs out there in the 
literature that do things like match a dual vertical (one that has two 
"resonances") for a whole raft of bands (but not continuous) with no 
"moving parts".  There are also expedient solutions like the resistively 
loaded folded dipoles that just accept the lossy matching solution, and 
increase Tx power to compensate.

As W7CE points out, you need to look at the whole system design.  And 
also recognize that technology has changed a lot in the last 50 years, 
so techniques that were "state of the art" or even "a good engineering 
solution" in 1940 might not be either today.

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