[TowerTalk] Video surveillance for remote tower

Joe - WDØM wd0m at wd0m.com
Fri Aug 14 07:13:56 PDT 2009

Webcam First is a free video software program that will monitor movement 
and send you an e-mail of the image:


If you want several views, it allows multiple webcams.  The next 
challenge is to find inexpensive webcams that will suit your purposes, 
the inexpensive PC, and internet connection to send out the e-mail.

I use the software on my web page (V 3.0), but only have one webcam.


Pagosa Springs, CO

Bill Conwell (home) wrote:
> I'm preparing to erect a tower and antennas at a weekend retreat house that
> is often vacant.  We haven't had any trouble leaving the place unattended to
> date, but I'm a bit concerned that a tall tower might attract unwanted
> attention while we're away.
> Does anyone have experience with video surveillance systems for their
> towers?  Desirably, I'd like something that might be solar-powered and
> connect wirelessly to the home network (lest someone be tempted to cut
> cables from the ground), although that isn't strictly essential.  A motion
> sensor - either in the camera, or in software on the associated computer -
> that captures frames when motion is detected would be a plus.
> Paul Nyland, K7PN, referred me to Axis products (www.axis.com
> <http://www.axis.com/> ) which offers a variety of systems.  Particularly
> interesting is one that is remotely steerable, with autofocus and an 18X
> zoom.  But the $1200+ price is a bit off-putting.  And while steerability is
> a great feature while you're watching the image, I envision the camera will
> mostly collect imagery unattended, which I'd review only infrequently.  If
> the price were modest, I could install several static cameras - capturing
> different views.
> 'Suggestions (including anecdotes about arrangements to avoid) are welcomed.
> Thanks,
> /Bill, K2PO

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