[TowerTalk] Remove Tower Base

Bill Aycock billaycock at centurytel.net
Sun Aug 23 19:27:00 PDT 2009

This morning, Kevin Narmoyle sent a big list of names of this stuff. Here is 
a copy. The URLs he sent are handy.
Betonamit is one brand

Dexpan is another

Sylentmite is another

other names
Crack Dexpan, Crack Ag, Crackamite, Split Ag, Bristar, Bustar by Cras,
Da-Mite,  Nonex,  S-mite, Fract Ag, Rockfrac



> NA5U Shack wrote:
>> I need to remove my concrete tower base. I have heard there is a compound 
>> that can be put into holes that have drilled in the concret that will 
>> expand break it apart. Does anyone know what the solution is and where to 
>> find it.
>> Regar
> As you want to get the thing out of the way for another tower base IF I
> understand correctly:
>> ds,

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