[TowerTalk] K9AY performance expectations/help

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Sat Aug 29 14:34:38 PDT 2009

Gary K9AY helped me put up a single K9AY loop
broadside NE/SW back in about 1995 or 6.  I used one 8 foot ground rod 
already in the ground from an old grounded half loop I had up several years 
before.  I also initially hooked the ground to the remains of 2700 feet of 
radials and that was a bust because I heard WCNN Radio which is about 4 
miles from me with 6 towers all over 160.  I laid out two 160 radials and 
WCNN (they have changed the call sign) went away.

The K9AY loop is far superior to my old shielded link loop that AB0X 
describes in a 1980's CQ on all bands.  On 160 Europeans signals stand out 
and even South American signals have better signal to noise ratios than any 
of the transmit antennas I have used.  On 80 the loop is much better on 
Europe and the South Pacific.  On 40 my beam at 86 feet is always better on 

Having just one loop up I feed it with RG8X (120 feet) to a Palomar 408 
preamp that I got from Don N4IN's estate.  Don had it marked for W7 at 11 
o'clock and EU at 3 o'clock so he used it with his great looking classic 

Being on a half acre lot with an average of 5 wire antennas up you have to 
be careful of all sorts of intermod.  I moved one of my 80 meter vertical 
dipoles because of getting WSB (8 miles airline) all over the low end of 80.

Dave K4JRB 

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