[TowerTalk] Self-support Tower on Rock?

Eugene Jensen eugenejensen at nyc.rr.com
Tue Jul 7 15:15:49 PDT 2009

I agree with your excellent subjection of the Geologist but correct me if 
I'm wrong you still going to need a PE to design the base for the 
condition's that are found. I've personally use Hank Longberg PE here on TT 
and his price are very fair for the service that he provides. I just built a 
new home in SC and made the tower foundation and installing the first 60 
feet of tower my house contractor responsible. Then he inturn made it the 
fondation contractor problem complete with the bolt pattern whitch in my 
case were 12 1 inch x 4 foot L Bolts set in 55 yards of Concrete.  Hank 
designed the top of reducing down my 80 foot Rohn SSMW to useing a solid 
Pirod MW 26 inch tower for the last 18 feet then a CM mast comes out 20 
feet. I don't know how Canda rules are different than our here in the 
States. Maybe Eric can explain what the rules are up his way. 73, Gene K2QWD

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <scottw3tx at verizon.net>
To: <ve3gsi at canada.com>; "'Towertalk e-Goups'" <TowerTalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Self-support Tower on Rock?

> Hi Eric,
> I recommend contacting a licensed Geologist to obtain a "core sample" from
> the proposed tower site.  They can have it analyzed and then design the
> appropriate basesize/materials for the conditions encountered.  One
> possibile outcome, if the formation is stable, is that the base-hole can 
> be
> "jack-hammered" or "blasted" and the concrete/rebar is integrated into the
> formation.
> 73, Scott W3TX
> -----Original Message-----
> From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com]  On Behalf Of Eric - VE3GSI
> Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 2:10 PM
> To: Towertalk e-Goups
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Self-support Tower on Rock?
> TT Gang,
> We have been considering moving from our little in town lot to the country
> side. One of the homes on our short list has about 2 acres of land but 
> there
> is only a scant few inches of dirt and in some places no cover at all over
> top of what I can only call fractured rock. To me it looks like good old
> limestone and by fractured I mean it has small crevices that go into the
> ground every so often, with areas about, let say about the size of car
> parking spaces.
> To be honest, as of yet I have not checked with any tower manufacture or
> dealer yet, this will come too. I do however wish to ask those that have
> firsthand experience erecting self-support towers on rock, that would be
> both advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage I see is these is
> no simple way to install a ground system nor do I see a easy way to bury
> feed lines and control cables in the ground without.
> Though there is plenty of room for  guyed towers I really would like to 
> stay
> with self support. My one tower is a Trylon 72 ft which I was hoping to
> recycle at any new QTH we might move too and I remember Trylon having
> options for rock, just not sure how well they work.  I have not decided if 
> I
> will recycle my older Delhi second tower - yet.
> All ideas welcome?
> de Eric - VE3GSI
> ve3gsi at canada.com
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