[TowerTalk] Kellem's Grip

Dick Dievendorff dieven at comcast.net
Mon Jul 20 22:16:05 PDT 2009

That's what I did. I had several lines (6 coax, rotator cable, and a  
light 4 conductor cable). I added a brace to help support the top coax  
standoff. All the weight of the coax is supported by that standoff.  
It's been fine fir 15 years.

Dick, K6KR

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 20, 2009, at 6:00 PM, "wtrone" <wtrone at bellsouth.net> wrote:

>    I am in the final stages of assembling my new U. S. Towers MA-850  
> with
> rotor base.  I am going to use a Kellems grip to secure the LM-400  
> coax and
> SteppIR control wire.  I was wondering how the rest of you have done  
> this?
> How did you attach the grip to the tower/ antenna. I was considering
> securing the Kellems grip to the very top coax stand off.  Since I  
> have the
> rotor base, the tower and antenna turn together.
>    The antenna is a 3 element SteppIR with the 40/30 add on.
>    So, how have you attached the grip for best results?
>            Bernard, WA4OEJ
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