[TowerTalk] TheBestToolsAvailable:UPDATE from DAVIS RF Co.
Steve Davis -Davis RF Co.
sdavis at davisrf.com
Fri Jul 24 11:33:22 PDT 2009
Dear TT'rs,
Ref. our coax cutters, strippers, braid cutters and commercial quality crimp
tools (precision, high carbon heat treated steel, production line applicable
and LOW Cost. Only one tool handle needed, interchangeable die for various
RG and LMR, etc. type cables).
Please NOTE: none of these tools or tool info is yet on our Web Site. Full
info is below, plus a new .pdf brochure with pricing is available by
contacting me.
*** I last eve sent out a new brochure to all who had inquired since my
last info on T Talk. If I missed anybody, please advise and I'll send it
right out.
If you weren't on the last list and want the brochure, I will send you
one via email attachment.
Below is the text that went with the new brochure yesterday.
73, Steve , K1PEK,
DAVIS RF Co., Div. of Orion Wire Co., Inc.
Wire, Cable, RF Connectors and wire aerial parts. LMR, Heliax, Eupen
Commercial / Military / & Custom Cable Design
tel: 978-369-1738 Fax: 978-369-3484
< PLEASE NOTE CLOSELY, to avoid confusion:
These tools or any info are NOT yet on our web site. Full Info:
1. The three tool part #'s indicate which RG or LMR, etc, cables can be
crimped with that tool. However, you only need one tool HANDLE for all
cables (except LMR-600, a larger tool handle, see below). Thus, if you want
to do, for instance, RG 58 and RG-213, you can order either tool HANDLE,
(ie, tool handle for RG58) then indicate that you need the "die only for
RG-213"). The die are interchangeable to any tool handle . This nuance is
not noted on the brochure.
Each added die that you may need is $ 24.25. Thus, if you need to do RG
58 and RG 213, you could buy the tool for RG-213 (also does LMR-400, 9913
and Bury-Flex Tm) , cost is $ 67.59, then order the "die for 8X" for $
24.50, total is $ 92.09
LMR-600 Crimper w/die: $ 60.00
There is no stripper on the market for LMR-600 , unless you want to pay for
an expensive Times Microwave, and then that only does Times LMR 600
connectors, also expensive. We have exc discounts on Times, contact me.
Otherwise, the old safety razor and cut to dimensions for the connector, is
the way most go, but for commercial accounts if they have multiples to do.
2. Disregard the "die sizes" (.068", etc) on the attached brochure... This
info is not germane as long as you know the RG or LMR cable types you will
be crimping.
3. All of the tools on this brochure are NOT YET on our Web Site.
4. All the tools are commercial and production line grade. The crimpers
have ratchet release when the appropriate pressure (or wrong die to cable)
Interchangeable dies, thus you only need ONE TOOL HANDLE (except for
LMR-600 - see below "Crimp tool for LMR-600). The cutters and braid
scissors are Stainless Steel.
Cutters, scissors, crimpers: NONE are MADE IN MAINLAND CHINA. Some are
made in Europe and some are Taiwan (where we have found quality/consistency
is excellent vs. mainland China)
I am available for any questions now, after your purchase, or in future
for any reason. NOTE: Please read instructions for the strippers,
CAREFULLY, I have written the instructions to avoid hassle on your part, but
you must read closely before beginning. To most folks, all the tools we
sell are easy to use.
We have a full line of high quality/commercial or mil grade coax
connectors at great prices.
SPECIAL DISCOUNT: Order one crimper with die, and at least one of every
other item on the brochure, take $ 10.00 off the already unbeatable prices.
4. TO ORDER: See the info at top of the brochure. You can call us, or
email (note in your em subject " ORDER") the order in with a request for us
to call you back for your credit card info and/or ship to info (for security
measures we suggest you not email your cred card info to us. You can fax
your credit card info/order to 603-787-221 if you so desire.)
Please place your order to our 800 #, or via fax or email rather than
sending to me (I am at a branch and routine ordering is best served via the
main office. Email link and fax #: http://davisrf.com/order.php
HOWEVER, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Also, there is an order form at our web site, but it is not necessary to use
Our Customer Service reps are very
knowledgeable, friendly and thorough.
You will not be disappointed with these tools, or our service. If any
concern at all, please contact me immediately and I will rectify it.
If you have commercial connections: I would GREATLY appreciate you referrng
me to an appropriate person for our wire, cable, specialty/custom cable
design engineering, RF connectors and other related parts.
73, Steve , K1PEK,
DAVIS RF Co., Div. of Orion Wire Co., Inc.
Wire, Cable, RF Connectors and wire aerial parts. LMR, Heliax, Eupen
Commercial / Military / & Custom Cable Design
tel: 978-369-1738 Fax: 978-369-3484
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