[TowerTalk] Wire Antenna Suggestions Wanted

Tue Mar 3 09:09:06 PST 2009

If I had that kind of  'room', I would seriously consider a nice folded 
dipole.  It would fit nicely and give you excellent coverage!  Not to 
mention, a folded dipole is fairly easy to construct!  A fun club project.

Even a 'fan dipole' would work well there....another good club project to 
build and very inexpensive.

Joe Wolfe

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "RICHARD SOLOMON" <w1ksz at q.com>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Wire Antenna Suggestions Wanted

> A local club has access to two towers, 110' apart. They want to
> put up a wire antenna for 30, 40 & 80. It will be at the 50' level
> on the towers.
> What would you folks recommend they get ?

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