[TowerTalk] SteppIR vs Butternut

KG4LRU at aol.com KG4LRU at aol.com
Tue Mar 17 06:56:03 PDT 2009

I have exactly what your talking about  had butternut HV 9 Bought a 3  
element SteppIR in 2002 and their Big IR vertical . Both worked better than  
expected. Then I upgraded to the 30/40 kit its like comparing a beam to a  vertical. 
And that why I sold the antenna I am now  installing the DB 36 w  80 Kit.
Go  for the dipole its fantastic antenna,I use the  vertical  as back up 
antenna or when propagation's favors a vertical  which doesn't happen  that often. 
New antenna is on the deck awaiting  install on the Tower .
Phil AI4DQ 
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