[TowerTalk] wood towers

William H. O'Hara, III n1ey at comcast.net
Tue May 5 03:45:12 PDT 2009


Good morning to everyone on the list.  I think that wooden towers are 
interesting.  There were several in the area south of Boston.  
Supposedly, a VHF'er had an 80 foot tower across from a big CW DX'er 
during the 70's in Braintree.  He had a platform for operating at the 
top.  I have some pictures on my website about two persons and their 
wooden towers.  They kept them simple, but worked at them hard.  K1LWI 
had a fairly tall wooden tower.


"What at first was plunder has assumed the softer name of revenue". -Thomas Paine

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