[TowerTalk] Grouting Rohn Pier Pin Base Plate

Randall K Martin rkmassoc at comcast.net
Tue May 5 17:08:41 PDT 2009

I am replacing some Rohn 25 with 45 and find that the concrete pad isn't 
quite level.  The old 25 plate seemed just fine, but the new 45 plate 
definitely has a gap on one side of about a quarter inch when I get the 
first section level with the temporary 1/4" EHS guys.

I have ordered the smallest amount of non-shrink grout (quikrete) I 
could find, which was 20 pounds.  I'm sure that will be more than enough!

Here's my question.  I am going to get the first 30 feet of tower 
installed with a permanent set of guy wires.  Is this the time when I 
should apply the grout?  If so, do I just keep shoving the grout in from 
  the sides until I've filled in the gap as well as I can?  I suppose a 
thin wood or metal strip could be used to really shove it in there 
tightly.  I guess the idea is to distribute the downward pressure of the 
plate as evenly as possible and avoid any undue stress on the plate itself.

Once the grout is in there, it seems to me that there won't be any way 
for the drain holes to function properly, so I assume I need to drill a 
small weep hole in each of the legs as close to the base as I can get. I 
was thinking maybe an 1/8 of an inch diameter would be plenty since the 
tops of each leg are covered and the only water accumulation would be 
from condensation.

Thanks in advance for your advice.


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