[TowerTalk] Gas Generator for Field Day

Roger (K8RI) K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Sat May 9 19:01:07 PDT 2009

Derek Cohn/WB0TUA wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Not until recently, has the electrical power in our neighborhood been steady.  For the past 10 years, we have had outage after outage with even the most minor inclement weather.  This means I've learned a lot about portble generators, not only from my own purchase but those of my neighbors.  Here are a few things I've learned which may be helpful to those who may be shopping for one:
> * the low cost imported generators for a few hundred bucks at the home supply stores make an awful lot of noise.  I'm not very sensitive to it but after a generator has been running within hearing range for a few hours, you might find it objectionable.
> * Honda makes very, very quiet generators that are so quiet as to generate disbelief among the people who have only owned cheapies.
> * Some generators are marketed as Honda "Powered" which is very different than a Honda generator (much noisier).
> I ended up buying a Honda EU2000i to power the essential stuff in my house and it doubles for Field Day use.  I believe QST reviewed these generators last summer and they received high marks.  I've had nothing but excellent success with them and some of the other members of our Field Day group bought one after seeing mine in operation. There is a QST advertiser called Mayberry's who was shipping them at no cost last time I checked which can be a significant consideration for something weighing more than 40lbs.  For those of you going to the Hamvention this week, make a quick survey of what people are using in the flea market.  You'll see an awful lot of Hondas.
> Sure...you can get one for just a few hundred bucks at the neighborhood home improvement store but you may wish to consider a Honda....from my experience, it makes all the difference in the world.

Few hundred? Mine lists at closer to 2 grand and it's still noisy.  It 
cost me $800 just to have the generator portion rebuilt.
OTOH it's 9500 watts continuous and weighs about 300#. To me, essential 
means, sump pump, furnace, refrigerator, and freezer.  The Mircowave is 
on the same circuit as the refrigerator so we can have hot food. The way 
the lights are wired that gives me lights in one room and outlets in 
another.  Five circuits gets over half the house. OTOH
I'd truly like one of the big, whole house units that runs off natural 
gas and has the built in transfer relay. They are quiet, much less 
expensive to run, and are automatic.  OTOH I'd settle for a 10 or 12,000 
watt Honda, but they are a bit pricey at that level. We use between 6 
and 12000 watt generators for field day.  That powers radios and even 
the air conditioners in some of the campers.

When there is a power outage in this area there are so many small 
generators like the Coleman running it sounds like the "Warbirds" 
starting up over at the Oshkosh fly-in.


Roger (K8RI)
> See you on the air for Field Day!
> Derek Cohn
> Morse Telegraph Club - Alton Chapter
> Office UD, Sine DJ
> Amateur Radio Station - WBØTUA
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