[TowerTalk] antennas in fresh water

Roger Parsons ve3zi at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 13 14:09:59 PST 2009

Thanks for your comments Rob - I generally agree with your observations. 

However, my particular cases were (1) An AV3 10-15-20m vertical which works much better at ground level close to the lake than it did 40' from the lake with the base at 20' with tuned radials and (2) A 40m vertical which works dramatically better about 10' from the lake than it did sitting in a swampy area 300' from the lake.

On 160m I use a 95' top loaded vertical about 400' from the lake with lots of long ground radials - it seems to work quite nicely. I recently put up a 60' inverted L close to the lake (mostly because I could :-) - I am looking forward to comparing the two. On receive there seems to be little difference and I suspect that will be the case on transmit as well when I get round to making the switch box.

I still think that the clear take-off over the lake must help - possibly because it is not obstructed but also possibly because it is likely to be a better reflector of grazing signals.

73 Roger


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