[TowerTalk] Not QUITE a tower

Stuart Browne stuartpbrowne at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 20:23:03 PDT 2009

"The Polynesian Special"

Take three Kanga fiberglass push-up masts and a 20 m PAR end-fed Zepp
antenna. Place the driven element (the center mast) and hang the Zepp taped
to the pole. The Director pole is set 12' away with 34' of insulated wire
(taped to the pole), the Reflector pole is set 15' from the Driven element
with 32' of insulated wire taped to the pole.  Line up the poles in the end
fire direction that you want to cover. WH6R has advised me that 20' from the
high water mark is as close to the water as is needed to get the desired low
TOA. His buddy has modeled all of this and the actual on air results are
very good.

I'm looking for a nice long wooden pier in saltwater to set up the array and
be directly over the water.


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Charlie Gallo <Charlie at thegallos.com>wrote:

> On 10/13/2009 john at kk9a.com wrote:
> > TowerTalk is for discussion of tower and HF antenna construction topics
> so I
> > think that your post is relevant.
> > That distance should be sufficient for pseudo-Brewster enhancement for at
> > least some of HF bands (you didn't say what frequency you intend to
> > operate).  You can model it to see the effect.   I've used phased ocean
> > front verticals from Grand Cayman Is. and they work well.
> > John KK9A
> I'm hoping to run at 20m - basically, I'm extremely limited on antennas
> here at home, but I can go down to the local shoreline(s) and fairly easily
> put up a 2 or 3 element 20m VDA for a "lunchtime" antenna (also do some
> local IOTA stuff)  - heck, think about it - if you wanted one point N/S
> (nah, but), you could even put one up on the shoreline of Manhattan.
> That's the kind of think I'm thinking of - you know - a pierwall, a dock,
> etc - strap up 3 elements, and play - heck, in some of the spots - use a
> pair of "surf casting spikes" (used to hold surf casting rods) - go down to
> the shore on a nice sunny day, and work HF on something a tad better than my
> DX-CC at 30 ft
> --
> 73 de KG2V
> For the Children - RKBA!
> My Website: http://www.thegallos.com
> My Blog: http://kg2v.blogspot.com
> Old MacDonald had an agricultural real estate tax abatement. E-I-E-I-O
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