[TowerTalk] Philly installation

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Tue Sep 1 03:58:00 PDT 2009

This assumes that elongation of the Phillystran for a given load is the 
same as EHS.  In fact, according to K7NV 
<http://wiki.contesting.com/index.php/Guy_cable_data> 6700-lb Philly 
elongates about twice as much as 3/16" EHS and almost 4 times as much as 
1/4" EHS which is rated for the same breaking strength.

I have 6700-lb Philly on my top guy set, with steel below, tensioned at 
400 lb and the tower feels very steady.  YMMV.

73, Pete N4ZR
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Roger (K8RI) wrote:
> ...
> Yes it's true you do not have a weight of EHS or the massive catenary.  
> There is so little catenary in the 4000 and 6000# test Phillystran you 
> really have to look to see it when sighting down the cable. However that 
> means the guys are less likely to be able to cushion shock.

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