[TowerTalk] question about Phillystran

Roger (K8RI) K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Thu Sep 17 13:40:25 PDT 2009

bluegras at core.com wrote:
> I have looked thru the Towertalk archives and am re-visiting a question
> about using Phillystran for tower guys to see if anything has changed
> since the 2006 and earlier posts on the subject and more experience with
> Philly has been had in ice conditions.
> Phillistran doesn't
> recommend cable clamps or End Sleeves, due to the elastic nature of
> Phillystran; they won't stay on.
Yes, cable clamps will stay on. That's the only alternative for the 
small "stuff".

>  They don't have an alternative
> recommendation for "terminating" for "serving" the
> completed long & short legs of a Big Grip, especially to protect it
> from water flow down the guy, ice penetration and subsequent loosening.
I live in Michigan where ice is common and it's never been a problem 
since I put the tower up, or at least it has never affected the guys.  
Water running down and freezing just seems to coat them. I've never had 
any loosening.
> Suggested practices, other than "ice caps" or hose
> clamps?
If you are concerned about them "unwinding" I'd either tape them, put 
heavy duty heat shrink over them, coat them  with a liquid plastic, or 
use the hose clamps.. The liquid plastic/tape has the advantage that it 
would keep the water out entirely. OTOH I have no idea as to how it 
would affect the gripping properties of the "big grips" so I'd certainly 
be cautious.


Roger (K8RI)
> Sevim
> --WB8BHN
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