[TowerTalk] Tower and Antennas Available in Santa Maria Area

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki73 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 01:11:48 PDT 2009

*I have NO Pecuniary interest in this matter

I have NO info on what type of tower and which TH series antenna so please
contact owner

This info was sent to me by David XE2/KE6ENI

73, Dennis N6KI

From: w7ppx at jrcda.com
To: elfarocommunications at hotmail.com
CC: w7ppx at jrcda.com
Subject: RE: tower and Ant.
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 18:10:29 -0700*


* *

*Due to my illness and age 76, I can no longer transport to Idaho **from
Santa Maria California, my antennas and crank up the tower**.  They are in *
*Santa Maria, California**, **Valley van &  storage**. The following is what
I have, storage.  A 60 foot crank up Tower  in perfect condition, free
standing heavy-duty, in perfect condition.  A Hygainif TH DX seven elements
beam for 10/15/20 Meter TRI BANDER.   A Cush craft three elements beam for
12 and 17 m.  I also have higher frequency antennas.  I have all the manuals
for the this package.  I am told, the **value would be 2500 plus**, but
because I had two operations.  I can no longer keep my equipment in storage.
because  my Social Security has been eaten up by my medical bill. I can no
longer pay my $25 a month for storage fees.  I owe them $175 back payments.
So I'm going to let everything go for **$950.oo**.  **They have a forklift.
So they can put it on a truck.  The Crank up **TOWER** collapses to 24 feet,
three sections.  If you are interested, let me know.  There is a person in
Santa Maria, who would help you load it up.  Call me at(208) 687 1806 or
cell ph, (208)755 2215.  For more details. 73, Mordecai, w7ppx QRZ.com*

* *

W7ppx at jrcda. <W7ppx at jrcda.com>*

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