[TowerTalk] [antenneX] LB Cebik - Final Modeling Book Release

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Thu Aug 12 14:16:29 PDT 2010

Howdy, TowerTalkians --
Steve    K7LXC

>  New LB Cebik Modeling Book Release & Special  Sale

To: Announcement List

Antenna Modeling Notes by L.B. Cebik,  W4RNL (SK) a Recognized Expert.

New & Final Volume 7 Just  Released.

Special Offer:
In addition to announcing the release of  this new Volume 7 of this
modeling series of books, we are making this new  book a part of a
special 50% discount book sale.

This is a limited  time special ending at midnight August 31, 2010 CDT.

This is a  continuation of a posthumous publishing schedule. LB's books
will no doubt  be destined a classic collection. Will never be any more
Volumes of this  modeling series published.

For more details on each of the 7  volumes:

The special  7-book sale offer is at the bottom of the ad  page.


For lots of  other good things like more books, software,
etc. -- more than 100  products:

Thanks for your time  & hope to see you soon!

All the best,
Rosetta (Rosie)  Stone


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